故障码 Component failure故障部件车辆1
112 Accelerator Pedal 1 Failure 加速踏板1故障
113 Accelerator Pedal /Brake Plausibility 加速踏板与制动踏板信号不可信
116 Main Clutch Signal Failure 离合信号故障
117 Brake Signal Failure 制动踏板故障
119 Terminal 15 Failure 15 端子故障
11C Water in Fuel 燃油滤清器储水器
211 Vehicle Speed Sensor Failure 车速传感器故障
215 Cruise Control Buttons Irreversible 巡航控制按扭不可逆故障
315 Cruise Control Buttons Reversible Failure 巡航控制开关可逆故障车辆2(继电器/执行器)
125 Main Relay 2 Failure 主继电器2失效
126 Battery Voltage Failure 蓄电池电压故障
127 Engine Brake decompression Valve failure 91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻制动失效
128 Main Relay 1-Short Circuit To Battery 主继电器1与电池短路
129 Main Relay 3
Failure 主继电器3故障挖掘机维修|挖掘机修理|维修挖掘机|修理挖掘机
12A Thermostarter Relay 1(Heater) 91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻制动(主继电器4)故障
12B Air Heater 1 Power Stage Failure 空气加热器1 Power Stage 故障
12E Pre-Post Heating Control System (Active) 预加热控制系统故障
225 Main Relay failure (Interrupted Afterrun) 主继电器失效(停机后中断)
228 Main Relay 1 (High Pressure Pump) Short to Ground 主继电器1对地短路91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻1(温度和压力传感器)
131 Coolant Temperature Sensor failure 冷却液温度传感器
132 Coolant Temperature Dynamic failure 冷却液温度传感器动态故障
133 Boost Air Temperature Sensor failure 进气温度传感器
134 Boost Pressure Sensor failure 进气压力传感器
135 Fuel Temperature Sensor failure 燃油温度传感器
136 Rail Pressure Sensor failure 共轨压力传感器
137 Common Rail Pressure Limiting Valve failure 共轨压力限压阀
138 Oil Pressure Sensor failure 机油压力传感器
13A Oil Temperature Sensor failure 机油温度传感器
232 Coolant Temperature Test failure 冷却液温度(监测)
236 Rail Pressure Sensor Offset Monitoring 共轨压力传感器偏差监测
238 Oil Pressure too low 机油压力过低
23A Oil Temperature too high 机油温度过高91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻2(转速传感器/执行器)
141 Crankshaft Speed Signal failure 曲轴转速传感器
142 Engine runs with Camshaft Speed only 只有凸轮轴传感器信号
143 Camshaft Speed Signal failure 凸轮轴传感器
144 Offset between Camshaft and Crankshaft 凸轮轴传感器和曲轴传感器信号偏差超出限值
149 Filter Heater failure 燃油滤芯加热器故障
14A Engine Compartment Start Button stuck 91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻机舱启动按钮发卡
14D Info: Engine Overspeed Protection 提示:91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻超速保护
24A Engine Compartment Stop Button stuck 91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻机舱停止按钮发卡
152 Rail Pressure Positive Deviation High and High Fuel Flow Setpoint Value 共轨压力正偏差过高和燃油流量设定值过高
153 Rail Pressure Negative Deviation too High on Minimum Metering 共轨压力负偏差过高(小流量)
154 Rail Pressure below Minimum Limit in Controlled Mode 共轨压力低于小极限
155 Rail Pressure above Maximum Limit in Controlled Mode 共轨压力大于大极限
156 Rail Pressure Drop Rate too High 共轨燃油压力下降率太高
157 Setpoint of Rail Metering Unit not plausible in Overrun 超速时共轨计量阀不真实
158 Fuel Flow Setpoint of Common Rail Metering Unit too low 共轨计量装置燃油流量设置点过低
159 Common Rail Metering Unit Power Stage failure 共轨油泵计量阀Power Stage 故障
259 Common Rail Metering Unit Power Stage Short to Battery 共轨计量阀正极短路
359 Common Rail Metering Unit Power Stage Short to Ground 共轨计量阀负极短路
161 Injector Cylinder 1 failure 第1缸喷油器故障
162 Injector Cylinder 2 failure 第2缸喷油器故障
163 Injector Cylinder 3 failure 第3缸喷油器故障
164 Injector Cylinder 4 failure 第4缸喷油器故障
165 Injector Cylinder 5 failure 第5缸喷油器故障
166 Injector Cylinder 6 failure 第6缸喷油器故障
167 Injector Cylinder 1 warning 第1缸喷油器开路
168 Injector Cylinder 2 warning 第2缸喷油器开路
169 Injector Cylinder 3 warning 第3缸喷油器开路
16A Injector Cylinder 4 warning 第4缸喷油器开路
16B Injector Cylinder 5 warning 第5缸喷油器开路
16C Injector Cylinder 6 warning 第6缸喷油器开路
16E Minimum Injections Number not reached 未达到少的喷射缸数
171 Injector Bank 1 failure 喷油器排线1故障
172 Injector Bank 2 failure 喷油器排线2故障
17C ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip specific failure (1) ECU的喷油器控制装置:CY33X(1)故障
27C ECU Hardware for Injection: CY33X Chip specific failure (2) ECU的喷油器控制装置:CY33X(2)故障
19E Torque Reduction due to Smoke Limitation 限制扭矩值,以减少烟量
29D Info: Torque Limitation due to Negative Torque Coordinator 提示:因为有负扭矩产生了扭矩限制
39E Info: Torque Limitation due to Turbo Charger Protection 提示:因为增压器保护产生了扭矩限制
49E Info: Torque Limitation due to Engine Protection (against Excessive Torque, Engine Overspeed and Overheat) 提示:由于91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻的保护对扭矩进行了限制
69E Info: Torque Limitation due to Fuel Quantity Limitation because of Injection System Errors 提示:由于喷油系统的喷油量进行了限制,对扭矩进行限制
接口1(CAN-Bus 总线)
1B1 CAN A Bus off CAN A 关闭
1B2 CAN B Bus off CAN B 关闭
1B3 CAN C Bus off CAN控制器 C 关闭
1B4 CAN Message timeout BC2EDC1 (from Body Computer) CAN信息BC2EDC1超时
1B7 CAN Transmit Message timeout CAN传输信息超时
2B4 CAN Message timeout BC2EDC2 (from Body Computer) CAN 信息 BC2EDC2超时
1C3 CAN Message timeout TCO1 (from Tachograph Output) CAN信息TCO1超时
1D1 ECU Hardware: SPI Communication failure ECU硬件:SPI通讯故障
1D2 ECU Hardware: EEPROM failure ECU硬件:存储器故障
1D3 ECU recovery – locked ECU恢复-锁定
1D4 ECU Hardware: Microcontroller Watchdog failure EDC硬件:微处理器监视器故障
1D5 ECU Hardware: Shut off during Initialization ECU硬件:初始化故障
1D6 ECU Hardware: TPU Monitoring ECU硬件:TPU监视
1D7 ECU Software: Variant Dataset failure ECU软件:程序故障
1D8 Overrun Monitoring failure 超速监控故障
1D9 Redundant Engine Speed in Overrun Monitoring 备用91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻速度监控故障
2D3 ECU recovery - suppressed ECU恢复-禁止
3D3 ECU recovery - visible ECU恢复-可见
1E1 ECU Hardware: High Side Power Stage Short to Ground or Battery ECU故障:高 Power Stage 对地短路或对电池短路
1E2 Immobilizer failure (no fuel release) 防盗器故障(无燃油喷射)
1E3 Overrun Monitoring failure 超速监控故障
1E4 Redundant Engine Speed in Overrun Monitoring 备用91抖音成长人版安装testflightios轻速度监控故障
1E5 ECU Hardware: Sensor 12V Supply Voltage failure ECU硬件:12V电源电压故障
1E6 ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 1 failure ECU硬件:传感器1电源
1E7 ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 2 failure EDC硬件:传感器电源2故障
1E8 ECU Hardware: Sensor Supply Voltage 3 failure EDC硬件:传感器电源3故障
1E9 ECU internal Supply Voltage too high ECU内部电源电压过高
1EA ECU internal Supply Voltage too low ECU内部电源电压过低
1EB Atmospheric Pressure Sensor failure 大气压力传感器
2E1 ECU Hardware: Low Side Power Stage Short to Ground or Battery ECU硬件:低Power Stage 对地短路或电池短路